衛武營2016半年刊 衛武營國家藝術文化中心,為荷蘭建築師法蘭韾.侯班 Francine Houben 打造,外觀宛如一尾大魟魚,流暢的弧度滑入地面。建築的設計靈感來自附近的老榕樹群,樹蔭間光影斑駁,虛實互映, 因此醞釀了衛武營富於穿透感、呼吸節奏的「有機」造型。 衛武營三個漢字造型是由,建築的設計靈感衍生而成,火的構成表現著衛武營的流暢弧度,並且利用著兩個顏色的圓點交疊表現樹蔭間光影斑駁的景致,配色也較為大膽如同衛武營前衛建築體。 WEIWUYIN 2016 Program Guide Surrounded by the green field, the Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts, which designed by Francine Houben, has sonic style exterior with white wave that resembles a big ray fish smoothly slides onto the ground, a seamless blend of the surrounding environment. It is an architectural work full of avant-garde and ecological concept. The shape of three Chinese Characters, Wei-Wu-Ying, is inspired by the outline of the building itself. The curve lines from the characters response to the continuous outlines of the eaves. Moreover, the bold colors that display as a avant-garde symbol of the building overlapping together to represent the shadows between the building and trees in the garden.