Mr. Hormone by TOLAKU
The concept of Tolaku’s new album “Mr. hormone” dealing with the theme of lust and the desire of love. The band members drowning in the sea of endless white liquid (milk?) symbolize the overflowed of desire and loneliness confronting mid-age crisis of band members. After a 6 years hiatus, the band reunited and came back with a new CD. The members resting naked on the liquid is also a metaphor for the band's rebirth. All lyrics are handwritten and arranged organically.
脫拉庫樂團 - 賀爾蒙先生
睽違六年之後的脫拉庫新專輯「賀爾蒙先生」,成員們都逐漸面對「已發福的青春」與「剩餘的愛、誘惑和慾望」。一缸滿是白色液體猶如初老又滿溢的慾望、是羊水、是養分、是精液、是如牛奶般純潔的青春過往、是四十歲大叔們仍燃燒氾濫的音樂熱情;團員們輪流浸泡在裝滿白色液體的浴缸中拍攝,好交情不言而喻,年輕至此的換帖情、共同走過的音樂夢,經歷中的是與非、生命中的情與愛,瞬間幻化成一片純真的白, 找回自我,回到生命之初。
CD: Andrew Wong
AD: Janett Wang
D: Cheng Jie Sung
AD: Janett Wang
D: Cheng Jie Sung
Lettering: Julie Yeh
Photography: Sundance Lee