Waiting for the Dawn of 2O21
Due to the pandemic, the pulse of the world slows down. It brings much time for people in Taiwan, encouraging them to think about how to treat the earth friendly, and to treat others around them in a more kindly and gently way. Because of the slowness in this year, Taiwan has the chance to cultivate much more power of silence.
2020 因為疫情影響,讓世界放慢了腳步,也讓身處在台灣的民眾多出許多時間思考如何善待腳下的土地、對周遭的人釋出更多善意與溫暖,也因為今年的緩慢,台灣蘊釀許多安靜的能量。
The prelude of the video indicates the steadiness and enthusiasm of this year. Faces with mask-on spark in the words. The “O” in 2O2O as if the connection between dots, expand their hands and pass on the power covered by darkness. The splendid “1” implies hope and another bright new start. In the darkness(2O2O) we hold our power, and wait for the moment to blossom in the coming of dawn(2O21).
影像如同今年的沈穩卻飽含力量,文字上則閃現許多戴著口罩的臉孔,2O2O 的 O 中如同點跟點之間的連線、延展出手,並將蘊藏在黑暗中的力量交棒,閃耀的「1」是希望也象徵另一個開端,黑暗 ( 2O2O ) 中我們保留力量,等待曙光來臨之時 ( 2O21 ) 綻放。
Finally, may the world full of peace and love at New Year!
Client:台灣設計研究院 TDRI
Director:鄭凱文 Kevin Cheng
Art Director & Designer:宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung
Photographer : 鄭凱文 Kevin Cheng
Motion Designer : 鄭凱文 Kevin Cheng
Music & Sound Design : 許家維 - 質地有聲製樂所 Audio Textural
Music & Sound Design : 許家維 - 質地有聲製樂所 Audio Textural
Special Thanks : Shona Lee